Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Draws Near

I am feeling better now (antibiotics are a good thing - which is hard to remember in a world that doesn't remember what it was like before antibiotics). The girls had an extremely busy weekend. On Saturday morning, they delivered food bags to the unemployed and underemployed in our area. They had been raising money in Kidz Klub and the group was able to distribute 47 bags of food that also included grocery store gift cards in them.

In the afternoon, the girls had dress rehearsal for their Christmas program. While they were busy Tim and I combed the local stores battling the Christmas crowds to find white pants.

On Sunday evening, we got to watch the girls' Christmas program.

WHITE PANTS! SCORE ONE FOR PERSISTENCE (I am glad I stuck to my guns and didn't get leggings).

C did such a nice job with her reading part - I wish my flash would have fired.

I entertained myself during the week by exhuming photos from a trip back to Kansas that I took in 2007 and making a little video feature music from the 70's rock group Kansas.

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